Getting Started

An overview of JADE-Bootstrap, how to download and use, basic templates and examples, and more.


JADE-Bootstrap (currently v0.0.1) has a few easy ways to quickly get started, each one appealing to a different skill level and use case. Read through to see whay suits your particular needs.

NodeJS Boilerplate

Sample boilerplate NodeJS application using Express middleware with the JADE template files. Just clone the repository using git and start using.

View on GitHub  Download

HTML Boilerplate

Sample boilerplate for client side application for generating static HTML files from jade templates. Just clone the repository using git and start using.

View on GitHub  Download

Source code

The default JADE file containing all the mixins for Boostrap components, you can download this and include in your project.

View on GitHub  Download

Install with Bower

You can also install and manage JADE-Bootstrap using Bower:

 $ bower install jade-bootstrap

Install with npm

You can also install JADE-Bootstrap using npm:

 $ npm install jade-bootstrap

Basic template

Start with this basic JADE template, or modify these examples. We hope you'll customize our templates and examples, adapting them to suit your needs.

Copy the JADE code below to begin working with a minimal JADE-Bootstrap document.

extends _bootstrap
block body
	h1 Put your own body content here

JADE-Bootstrap source code



Build on the basic template above with Bootstrap's many components. We encourage you to customize and adapt Bootstrap to suit your individual project's needs.

Using the framework

Starter template

Nothing but the basics: compiled CSS and Javascript along with a container.

Bootstrap Theme

Load the optional Bootstrap theme for a visually enhanced experience.

Bootswatch Theme Examples

Load the Bootswatch themes for a completely customzied bootstrap experience.


Build around the jumbotron with a navbar and some basic grid columns.

Narrow Jumbotron

Build a more custom page by narrowing the default container and jumbotron.

Nabvars in action


Super basic template that includes the navbar along with some additional content.

Static top navbar

Super basic template with a static top navbar along with some additional content.

Fixed navbar

Super basic template with a fixed top navbar along with some additional content.

Custom Components


A one-page template for building simple and beautiful home pages.


Customize the navbar and carousel, then add some new components.


Simple two-column blog layout with custome navigation, header and type.


Basic structure for an admin dashboard with fixed sidebar and navbar.


Custom form layout and design for a simple sign in form.

Justified nav

Create a custom navbar with justified links. Heads up! Not too Safari friendly.

Sticky footer

Attach a footer to the bottom of the viewport when the content is shorter than it.

Sticky footer with navbar

Attach a footer to the bottom of the viewport with a fixed navbar at the top.